It seems like everyone you meet knows someone who's either had or knows someone who had breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetimes.
We started talking with our friends at Keep A Breast right after we launched about how we could help them spread their message and awareness.
What started as a bunch of "What If's" has turned into a real thing. Help us raise $40k to help them in their mission with our collaboration tire and bike giveaway.
Keep a breast
The Keep A Breast Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit breast cancer organization founded by our friend Shaney Jo Darden. Their mission is to reduce breast cancer risk and its impact globally through art, education, prevention, and action.
Prevention is the cure.
Only around 15% of breast cancer diagnoses occur because of family history, most diagnoses are attributed to aging, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
Download the free Keep A Breast App to learn when to check, how to check and much more.

The bike
Starting with a YT Capra, we partnered with our friends at 5DEV, Spokex, Magura, DEITY, Aenomaly Constructs, Tannus and Stikrd to build an amazing dream build bike, which we had TecGnar paint and we're giving it away this November!
There will be a maximum of 1400 entries (1000 individual tickets and 400 that come with each set of LTD Versus x Keep A Breast tires).
Versus x keep a breast tire
We Partnered with Keep A Breast to create the first Limited Edition Collaboration Tire. Only 400 sets will be made, Each set includes a ltd edition t-shirt and entry for our Keep a Breast giveaway bike.